Material Required
- Printoo Core
- Bluetooth 4.0 Module
- Coin Battery Holder
- Conductive Ink Adapter
- Bare Conductive Paint:
- Smartphone
- /**********************************************************************
- * © 2014 YD Ynvisible, S.A.
- *
- * FileName: Girlfriend_Communicator.ino
- * Dependencies: SoftwareSerial.h, CapacitiveSensor.h
- * Processor: ATmega328
- * IDE: Arduino 1.0.5
- *
- * Description:
- * Sending messages to your girlfriend via Bluetooth 4.0 to her smartphone
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- #include <CapacitiveSensor.h>
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Software Serial Port
- #define RxD A0
- #define TxD A1
- SoftwareSerial blueToothSerial(RxD,TxD);
- CapacitiveSensor cs_19_18 = CapacitiveSensor(19,18); // 10M resistor between pins 19 & 18, pin A4 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil if desired
- CapacitiveSensor cs_19_0 = CapacitiveSensor(19,0); // 10M resistor between pins 19 & 0, pin 0 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil if desired
- CapacitiveSensor cs_19_2 = CapacitiveSensor(19,2); // 10M resistor between pins 19 & 2, pin 2 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil if desired
- char a[10] = "#Miss You";
- char b[14] = "#Leaving work";
- char c[36] = "#I'm Sorry I forgot our anniversary";
- char recvChar;
- int x=0, touch=0, touch2=0, touch3=0;
- void setup()
- {
- pinMode(RxD, INPUT);
- pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT);
- setupBlueToothConnection();
- cs_19_18.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF); // turn off autocalibrate
- cs_19_0.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF);
- cs_19_2.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF);
- }
- void loop()
- {
- long start = millis();
- long total1 = cs_19_18.capacitiveSensor(30);
- long total2 = cs_19_0.capacitiveSensor(30);
- long total3 = cs_19_2.capacitiveSensor(30);
- if(blueToothSerial.available()){ //check if the pipe is free
- if(total1>10){
- touch=1;
- cs_19_18.reset_CS_AutoCal();
- }
- if(touch==1){
- touch=0;
- x++;
- a[10]=char(x+'0');
- blueToothSerial.print(a); //sending the whole vector through bluetooth
- }
- if(total2>10){
- touch2=1;
- cs_19_0.reset_CS_AutoCal();
- }
- if(touch2==1){
- touch2=0;
- x++;
- b[14]=char(x+'0');
- blueToothSerial.print(b); //sending the whole vector through bluetooth
- }
- if(total3>10){
- touch3=1;
- cs_19_2.reset_CS_AutoCal();
- }
- if(touch3==1){
- touch3=0;
- x++;
- c[36]=char(x+'0');
- blueToothSerial.print(c); //sending the whole vector through bluetooth
- }
- }
- }
- void setupBlueToothConnection(){
- blueToothSerial.begin(9600); //Set BluetoothBee BaudRate to default baud rate 9600
- delay(10); // This delay is required.
- blueToothSerial.print("AT+RENEW"); //Restore all setup value to factory setup
- delay(10); // This delay is required.
- blueToothSerial.print("AT+ROLE0"); //make it a slave
- delay(10); // This delay is required.
- }
- //END
/********************************************************************** * © 2014 YD Ynvisible, S.A. * * FileName: Girlfriend_Communicator.ino * Dependencies: SoftwareSerial.h, CapacitiveSensor.h * Processor: ATmega328 * IDE: Arduino 1.0.5 * * Description: * Sending messages to your girlfriend via Bluetooth 4.0 to her smartphone * **********************************************************************/ #include <CapacitiveSensor.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Software Serial Port #define RxD A0 #define TxD A1 SoftwareSerial blueToothSerial(RxD,TxD); CapacitiveSensor cs_19_18 = CapacitiveSensor(19,18); // 10M resistor between pins 19 & 18, pin A4 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil if desired CapacitiveSensor cs_19_0 = CapacitiveSensor(19,0); // 10M resistor between pins 19 & 0, pin 0 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil if desired CapacitiveSensor cs_19_2 = CapacitiveSensor(19,2); // 10M resistor between pins 19 & 2, pin 2 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil if desired char a[10] = "#Miss You"; char b[14] = "#Leaving work"; char c[36] = "#I'm Sorry I forgot our anniversary"; char recvChar; int x=0, touch=0, touch2=0, touch3=0; void setup() { pinMode(RxD, INPUT); pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT); setupBlueToothConnection(); cs_19_18.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF); // turn off autocalibrate cs_19_0.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF); cs_19_2.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF); } void loop() { long start = millis(); long total1 = cs_19_18.capacitiveSensor(30); long total2 = cs_19_0.capacitiveSensor(30); long total3 = cs_19_2.capacitiveSensor(30); if(blueToothSerial.available()){ //check if the pipe is free if(total1>10){ touch=1; cs_19_18.reset_CS_AutoCal(); } if(touch==1){ touch=0; x++; a[10]=char(x+'0'); blueToothSerial.print(a); //sending the whole vector through bluetooth } if(total2>10){ touch2=1; cs_19_0.reset_CS_AutoCal(); } if(touch2==1){ touch2=0; x++; b[14]=char(x+'0'); blueToothSerial.print(b); //sending the whole vector through bluetooth } if(total3>10){ touch3=1; cs_19_2.reset_CS_AutoCal(); } if(touch3==1){ touch3=0; x++; c[36]=char(x+'0'); blueToothSerial.print(c); //sending the whole vector through bluetooth } } } void setupBlueToothConnection(){ blueToothSerial.begin(9600); //Set BluetoothBee BaudRate to default baud rate 9600 delay(10); // This delay is required. blueToothSerial.print("AT+RENEW"); //Restore all setup value to factory setup delay(10); // This delay is required. blueToothSerial.print("AT+ROLE0"); //make it a slave delay(10); // This delay is required. } //END