Material Required
- Printoo Core
- DC Motors Drivers & two Motors
- Bluetooth 4.0 Module
- Solar Cell Connector
- LiPo battery
- Smartphone
- 3D Printer:
- /**********************************************************************
- * © 2014 YD Ynvisible, S.A.
- *
- * FileName: Mini_Ziphius.ino
- * Dependencies: SoftwareSerial.h
- * Processor: ATmega328
- * IDE: Arduino 1.0.5
- *
- * Description:
- * Driving a 2 motors drone through a smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0
- * We have an App with a graphical interface to interact with the drone
- **********************************************************************/
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Software Serial Port
- #define RxD 6 //Bluetooth TX=Core RX
- #define TxD 7 //Bluetooth RX=Core TX
- #define FRONT 1
- #define BACK 0
- #define OFF 0
- #define ON 1
- SoftwareSerial blueToothSerial(RxD,TxD);
- int motor1_pwm=9;
- int motor1_dir=8;
- int motor2_pwm=11;
- int motor2_dir=12;
- char X[3], Y[3], A, B;
- int X1_num;
- int i=1;
- int X_num,Y_num, A_num, B_num;
- int X_numf,Y_numf, A_numf, B_numf;
- int motor1_way,motor2_way;
- char recvChar;
- void setup()
- {
- pinMode(RxD, INPUT);
- pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(motor1_pwm, OUTPUT); //Motor1 PWM
- pinMode(motor1_dir, OUTPUT); //Motor1
- pinMode(motor2_pwm, OUTPUT); //Motor2 PWM
- pinMode(motor2_dir, OUTPUT); //Motor3
- digitalWrite(motor1_pwm,LOW);
- digitalWrite(motor1_dir,LOW);
- digitalWrite(motor2_pwm,LOW);
- digitalWrite(motor2_dir,LOW);
- setupBlueToothConnection();
- }
- void loop()
- {
- if(blueToothSerial.available()){ //check if the pipe is free
- recvChar =;
- if(recvChar!='\n'){ //recognise end of line
- if(i==2 && recvChar==','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone
- i++;X[1]=NULL;
- }
- if((i==4 || i==5) && recvChar==','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone
- i++;Y[1]=NULL;
- }
- switch(i){
- case 1: X[0]=recvChar;break;
- case 2: X[1]=recvChar;break;
- case 3: break; //comma
- case 4: Y[0]=recvChar;break;
- case 5: Y[1]=recvChar;break;
- case 6: break; //comma
- case 7: A=recvChar;break;
- case 8: B=recvChar;break;
- default:break;
- }
- if(i==3 && recvChar!=','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone
- X[0]='9';X[1]='9';i--;
- }
- if(i==6 && recvChar!=','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone
- Y[0]='9';Y[1]='9';i--;
- }
- i++;
- if(i==9){ //all data received?... start calculation convertion
- X_num=atoi(X);
- Y_num=atoi(Y);
- A_num=A-'0';
- B_num=B-'0';
- if(Y_num>=50){
- Y_numf=Y_num-50;
- Y_numf=Y_numf*255.0/50.0;
- Y_numf=255-Y_numf;
- motor1_way=FRONT;
- motor2_way=FRONT;
- }
- else{
- Y_numf=50-Y_num;
- Y_numf=Y_numf*255.0/50.0;
- motor1_way=BACK;
- motor2_way=BACK;
- }
- Y_num=(int)Y_numf;
- if(X_num>=50){
- motor1_way=ON;
- }
- else{
- motor2_way=ON;
- }
- analogWrite(motor1_pwm,Y_num); //Write the converted data sent from the smartphone to the motor driver
- digitalWrite(motor1_dir,motor1_way);
- analogWrite(motor2_pwm,255-Y_num);
- digitalWrite(motor2_dir,!motor2_way);
- i=1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void setupBlueToothConnection(){
- blueToothSerial.begin(9600); //Set BluetoothBee BaudRate to default baud rate 9600
- delay(10); // This delay is required.
- blueToothSerial.print("AT+RENEW"); //Restore all setup value to factory setup
- delay(10); // This delay is required.
- blueToothSerial.print("AT+ROLE0"); //make it a slave
- delay(10); // This delay is required.
- }
- //END
/********************************************************************** * © 2014 YD Ynvisible, S.A. * * FileName: Mini_Ziphius.ino * Dependencies: SoftwareSerial.h * Processor: ATmega328 * IDE: Arduino 1.0.5 * * Description: * Driving a 2 motors drone through a smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0 * We have an App with a graphical interface to interact with the drone **********************************************************************/ #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Software Serial Port #define RxD 6 //Bluetooth TX=Core RX #define TxD 7 //Bluetooth RX=Core TX #define FRONT 1 #define BACK 0 #define OFF 0 #define ON 1 SoftwareSerial blueToothSerial(RxD,TxD); int motor1_pwm=9; int motor1_dir=8; int motor2_pwm=11; int motor2_dir=12; char X[3], Y[3], A, B; int X1_num; int i=1; int X_num,Y_num, A_num, B_num; int X_numf,Y_numf, A_numf, B_numf; int motor1_way,motor2_way; char recvChar; void setup() { pinMode(RxD, INPUT); pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT); pinMode(motor1_pwm, OUTPUT); //Motor1 PWM pinMode(motor1_dir, OUTPUT); //Motor1 pinMode(motor2_pwm, OUTPUT); //Motor2 PWM pinMode(motor2_dir, OUTPUT); //Motor3 digitalWrite(motor1_pwm,LOW); digitalWrite(motor1_dir,LOW); digitalWrite(motor2_pwm,LOW); digitalWrite(motor2_dir,LOW); setupBlueToothConnection(); } void loop() { if(blueToothSerial.available()){ //check if the pipe is free recvChar =; if(recvChar!='\n'){ //recognise end of line if(i==2 && recvChar==','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone i++;X[1]=NULL; } if((i==4 || i==5) && recvChar==','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone i++;Y[1]=NULL; } switch(i){ case 1: X[0]=recvChar;break; case 2: X[1]=recvChar;break; case 3: break; //comma case 4: Y[0]=recvChar;break; case 5: Y[1]=recvChar;break; case 6: break; //comma case 7: A=recvChar;break; case 8: B=recvChar;break; default:break; } if(i==3 && recvChar!=','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone X[0]='9';X[1]='9';i--; } if(i==6 && recvChar!=','){ //treatment of data sent from the smartphone Y[0]='9';Y[1]='9';i--; } i++; if(i==9){ //all data received?... start calculation convertion X_num=atoi(X); Y_num=atoi(Y); A_num=A-'0'; B_num=B-'0'; if(Y_num>=50){ Y_numf=Y_num-50; Y_numf=Y_numf*255.0/50.0; Y_numf=255-Y_numf; motor1_way=FRONT; motor2_way=FRONT; } else{ Y_numf=50-Y_num; Y_numf=Y_numf*255.0/50.0; motor1_way=BACK; motor2_way=BACK; } Y_num=(int)Y_numf; if(X_num>=50){ motor1_way=ON; } else{ motor2_way=ON; } analogWrite(motor1_pwm,Y_num); //Write the converted data sent from the smartphone to the motor driver digitalWrite(motor1_dir,motor1_way); analogWrite(motor2_pwm,255-Y_num); digitalWrite(motor2_dir,!motor2_way); i=1; } } } } void setupBlueToothConnection(){ blueToothSerial.begin(9600); //Set BluetoothBee BaudRate to default baud rate 9600 delay(10); // This delay is required. blueToothSerial.print("AT+RENEW"); //Restore all setup value to factory setup delay(10); // This delay is required. blueToothSerial.print("AT+ROLE0"); //make it a slave delay(10); // This delay is required. } //END